Oujo no Meirei de Stalker to Kekkon Saserareru Hanashi 2 | A story about being married to a stalker by the order of a princess 2
(C96) Pro no Saimin Oji-san wa Sex shika Dekinai | We Can't Have Sex With Anyone But This Old Hypno Professional (Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai)
Shidou Sarechau Yoshida-san | Yoshida-san's going to get ordered around (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!)
Net Idol ni Natta Ore | I've Become an Internet Idol! (2D Comic Magazine Seitenkan Shita Ore ga Chikan Sarete Mesuiki Zecchou! Vol. 1)
(C89) Harashou! Gaiden Gisou Entotsu | Harashou! Sidestory: Camouflage Funnel! (Kantai Collection -KanColle-)