(C87) Nee, P-kun! Atashi ga Gohoubi agechaune☆ | Hey, P-kun!!! I'll give you a reward, okay?★ (THE CINDERELLA GIRLS)
Awa no Ohime-sama # 3 Awahime-chan no Shinjin Kenshuu | Bubble Princess #3 Awahime's training (Digital Puni Pedo! Vol. 03)
Awa no Ohimesama #2 Karina-hime to Gyaku Soupu | Bubble Princess #2 Reverse soap with Princess Karina (Digital Puni Pedo! Vol. 02)
Ochita Yakata to Ojou-sama | The Fallen House and the Young Mistress (Bessatsu Comic Unreal Inmon no Maryoku de Bishoujo-tachi ga Akuochi Kairaku Ochi! Vol. 3)